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Japanese crossword «Torbjorn (Overwatch)»

Size: 105x71Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:14.04.18Author: Kiteto

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Metallica (15 April 2018, 17:27) complain
Nice pic! My friend mains Torbjorn in Overwatch and I main Soldier: 76 and Lucio.
Guest: Christine (15 April 2018, 21:35) complain
Impressive, and not too challenging, given the size, but the 4th shade of grey was too much. The only way to identify the two squares where it's used is to check the puzzle for errors and wait for those squares to be flagged.
robi80 (24 April 2018, 17:05) complain
Straightforward - except for the shades of grey. Good depiction! Thx
ERHM (8 November 2018, 17:09) complain
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